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Florence's Birth- VBAC Birth Story

Updated: Oct 15, 2022

I can't get enough of a positive birth story, and love being able to give incredible birthing people a space to share their personal stories with others. Positive birth experiences don't have to just be a 'lucky' chance'. We all deserve a positive birth experience, for any type of birth, in any setting. This story is kindly provided by Katy, Mama of 3 incredible girls, who took the Calm Birth's course with me last year in preparation for the birth of her third child, who we now know to be lovely little Florence :)

As you will see in the story below, Katy gave birth to her identical twin girls at 31 week's gestation via c-section back in 2016. Katy was keen to have a vaginal birth this time around and wanted to use hypnobirthing techniques to assist in her labour and calm her anxieties. So, let's hear her beautifully written account of Florences arrival into the world.

I was very anxious that baby no.3 would arrive early, and that baby would need time on NICU. I was also anxious about being in hospital for a long period of time. I was told I could try for a VBAC delivery (after a previous section) and I knew this is what I wanted.
My best friend recommended Kate to me, so I jumped at the chance to do anything to try and change my mindset and have the birth I so longed for.
Kate knew I was anxious and said we could start whenever I liked, which was really nice. Kate was really flexible with class times meaning I could put my girls to bed and then concentrate on the course. Kate made us both feel at ease and was more than happy to go over things as and when needed right up to the day I went into labour.
On Monday 4th January at 11:15 my waters went. After visiting the DAU (Day Assessment Unit) around lunch to be checked, the midwife told us to go home and call back by 5am if labour hadn’t become established. I got home and bounced on the ball, thought happy thoughts and went for a long walk. I messaged Kate saying it was happening and she sent me loads of positive birth affirmations which really helped remind me I can do this! I went to bed early but by midnight I was up and bouncing again. The surges were really starting to come on now. I kept the lounge dark and quiet and focused on my breathing. It was so peaceful, just me and the dog. At 4:45am I called maternity triage and by 6 we were in the maternity unit being seen.
I was examined and was told I was 3cm dilated. A Dr came in to see me and said they would give me 4 hours, and then the hormonal drip can be given. I knew I didn’t want that. I didn’t want to be induced. I asked if we could wait other 4 hours and go from there. Kate gave me the confidence to ask the health care professionals. This is my body and my baby.
There wasn’t any need for the drip as by 10am I was in established labour; my surges were coming on strong and I was really concentrating on my breathing. In for 4 and out for 8 worked and I was up on my feet the whole-time letting gravity help too. My husband made sure I found my calm and happy place and would count when he could sense my surge was a strong one or if I was starting to lose it.
The room was calm, quiet and I had clary sage making it smell beautiful. The surges were really strong now, not getting any gaps of relief, but gas and air helped. I found it really helped with my breathing techniques and made me concentrate.
I had to be on the monitor because my waters had gone, and the midwife needed to check baby was ok. I had wireless ones so I could still move around. The midwife was amazing. She just let me do my thing, encouraged me to use the gas and air when the surges were strong and made sure I was drinking lots and going to the toilet.
Transition stage then hit. I was saying I couldn’t do it, that I needed stronger pain relief. I felt the urge to push. Not having this urge before as I had a c-section made me realise that my body knew what to do. The midwife examined me, and I was fully dilated. She said if you feel like you need to push, then do so. You’ve got time. She didn’t make me push straight away, she let my body take control. I used my down breathing, really concentrating on letting my body take over and do its thing. 1.5 hours of down breathing and baby was still not here. I tried changing positions. The midwife was becoming a little concerned that something wasn’t quite right and spoke to the doctor. 2 hours of pushing and I couldn’t anymore. I was exhausted and baby wasn’t moving down. We went to theatre to trial forceps. I was still really trying to keep my mind in the calm state I needed it to be, but the pain was so intense along with the worry and nerves of forceps, this part was my toughest yet. My husband was right by my side.
After 3 pulls, my baby was born. My husband announced it was a girl. They placed her on my chest and let us have our time together while we delayed cord clamping. She was perfect!
We went back to delivery suite and had the most amazing time having skin to skin and of course, some tea and toast. This was something I really wanted, as I didn’t get chance too with my twins. The midwife let us have our time, didn’t rush us and left us to enjoy our bubble.

And there we have it! Katy got to have her VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) as she so hoped for. To me, this birth story oozes such confidence from Katy, in knowing how she wanted her experience to be and focusing so deeply on her mindset to achieve this. I loved how wonderfully united Katy and her husband were through this experience, with him making sure she stayed calm, and supporting her in the key moments she needed the most.

Thank you, Katy, for sharing your story! <3

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